Well, it's not all *that* complicated. I play in AOL chat rooms.
You can find an AOL scrambler chat room by searching member chat rooms
for the scrambler rooms, or go to the private chat room scrambler. Of
course there's always those fonkin' scrollers and people who go "SEND
ME A SCRAMBLER AND I'LL LEAVE {S IM" and other such variations.
That so fucking annoys me. <C> (which means ::.contorts
face, wrinkles nose, an expression of annoyance.::)
Anyway, heh, the object of the game is to, er, descramble words (duh).
The host-- anyone who decides to be it-- has a program that scrambles
up a word or phrase or sentence or whatever, and displays it with or
without a clue. The first person to type the word correctly and press
enter wins and gets points. Unless of course, it's like Gordy's
Scrambler or AOL4PROP or something like that... then sometimes the
2nd, or 3rd, or maybe LAST person to type it wins. Oh well.
Here's an example:
the host: nbe lofds iefv
the host: clue: band
player 1: ben folds fiev
player 2: ben folds five
player 1: urk!
the host: player 2 wins!
player 1: wtg (way to go)
player 2: thanks (etiquette)
Well, hopefully you didn't need *all* of that to understand. (if you
did... maybe you should, um, consider ::.coughs.:: slow scrambler)
So...enjoy! =)
Here are three of the rooms you can play scrambler in, though there
are plenty of others... oh yeah, and you have to be using America
Arts and Entertainment - scrambler
Friends - scrambler
Scrambler (private room)
Copyright © 1998,
Last modified: June 19 1998