
Hi! Am I online? Are other people visiting my page? Here's where you can find out. Just sign in... it's quick and simple. The only thing is that you need your browser to be Java-enabled, preferably Netscape, versions 3.01 and up. If you're on AOL, I believe you can download Netscape and use it when you're signed on, but I could be wrong. And of course, you should follow the golden rule: don't be an asshole. =)

Here are some commands you can use to make chatting a more pleasant experience. =)

When you use the commands, replace:
Username... with any screen name
Yourtext... with any text
#... with a number

Type /Whois Username

to find out who Username is.

Type |#,#

to change colors. The first number changes the text color while the second number changes the background.

Type /ignore Username

to ignore Username. Typing this command again unignores Username.

Type /me Yourtext

to show an action... for example, the screen will display "YourName thinks" if you type /me thinks.

Type /topic Yourtext

to change the topic that scrolls across the top of the screen.

Type /wake Username

to play a sound on that person's computer.

Type /msg Username

to send a private message to Username.

Type /nick Newname

to give yourself a new screen name.

Sorry... you need a Java-enabled browser to chat. :(

Was no one there? No one intelligent at least? Hmmm, that *can* be a problem. But no worries! Mich chatting sessions are here to save the day...

I will make the effort to be online during these specified dates and times:
Sorry, none scheduled right now.

However, don't forget... you can IM me at Hempweeed or Micharoni. Or if I'm not signed on, drop me a quick note. =)

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Copyright © 1998, Mich
Last modified: June 19 1998